We offer programs for Adults, Teens and Children. We specialize in authentic Israeli Self Defense, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Firearms and Fitness.
HaganaH Adult Self Defense
HaganaH F. I. G. H. T. Program Firearms Training Self Defense Weapons Training and more
Hudson Valley HaganaH is proud to be under the leadership of one of Brazil's finest, Professor Marcel Meleiro, Nova Uniao first generation 4th Degree Black Belt under Andre Perneiras. We are the Pennsylvania state representative for Meleiro Jiu Jitsu
Muay Thai literally translates into English as Thai Boxing and is also known as The Art of the Eight Limbs. The hands, elbows, shins and knees are all used extensively in this martial art. Muay Thai has a long history in Thailand and is the country’s national sport. Traditional Muay Thai practiced today, varies slightly from the ancient art of Muay Boran, which is an older style of Muay Thai.
The name HaganaH does not only represent the power and uniqueness of the Israeli Combat Arts, it also signifies what our school is all about; We integrate in a very unique way the world’s most effective Martial Arts styles into a “Total Self-Defense” hybrid system.